Friday, September 9, 2011

Greetings Interwebz!

After almost seven years of anxiety, I decided to give it the attention its been begging for. What other way to honor a time consuming, self important attention whore than with a blog! So, here ya go, Anxiety, your very own blog, you bottom-feeding douche!

If you have ever read Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Brave New World, Alice in Wonderland, or 1984...good for you. Those are some great books. And my life is nothing like them, so I'm not even going to attempt to make a half-hearted comparison to sound more literary than I actually am.

            Okay, sometimes it IS like that.

Nah, this blog (goddamn, I hate that word) is going to be more of a casual approach to the seeking of mental well-being. I wonder after rereading that sentence if there is some "fancy" approach my subconscious is aware of that I am not. Hmm...

Anyway, this will be my attempt at documenting the oh-so-hilarious antics that come with having a mental wrestling match with your brain.
"Oh, Anxiety, you silly goose. You've got me today! I'm gonna go smoke a pack of cigarettes and shut the blinds now!"

Along with the daily holy-shit-I'm-suddenly-scared-and-don't-know-why's, I'll also cover medication (and their wonky effects/good effects/whoa man effects) and the always greatly anticipated trips to the doctor (and the nurse who just doesn't seem to get it).
"Your heart rate is...really high."
"Yeah...I'm aware."
"Like...I've never seen someone's heart rate that high."
".....seriously, not helping."
                "Medication time. Medication time."

All in all, this is me trying to have a laugh and look on the brighter side of mental disorders. Not in the "LOL U HAZ DEPREZION!" way, either. None of this is intended to be offensive (okay, maybe some of it will be), or harmful. There's a Winston Churchill quote I've read recently that said, "If you're going through hell, keep going." That's basically what I'm trying to do; I just prefer to do it with a smile on my face. 

                This man knows a thing or two about 
                            going through hell. 


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