Friday, December 16, 2011


After about four months of the back-and-forth visits to my doctor I am finally making some progress, or feel I have made some progress. Rejoice.

The heart monitor results came back fine. So after the EKG, echo-cardiogram, and heart monitor it turns out my heart is just peachy. Good thing, because I was close to punching that sonofabitch right in the cockles.

The doctor appointment was pretty routine. Nothing particularly hilarious. Although, I brought up that I was experiencing a bit of depression here and there to which the doctor and nurse starting asking a bunch of questions.

"Any thoughts of suicide?"
"What? No!"

"Are you showering regularly?"
"Uh, yeah, I enough." (Honestly, every day is not necessary if you do nothing.)
          Behind the scenes Pigpen struggled with clinical depression.
       Just look at the cold dead stare in his eyes. 
A boy who's obviously given up on life.

"And how is your motivation?"
"Uh...well...*chuckle nervously* I'm here right?"
And the nurse and doctor exchanged one of these looks:

                  "Clearly depression. It's only logical."

When all was said and done I walked out with a fancy new prescription for fluoxetine, or in layman's terms, Prozac.
I'll hopefully be starting it this weekend. I am, however, dreading the side effects. A lot of antidepressants seem to come with some crappy (childish pun intended) gastrointestinal side effects.
Prozac and Celexa (which I've tried before and disliked greatly) are in the same "family" so I was told. This worries me a bit as the Celexa had some very strong side effects to the point of me not being able to take it again.

But hell, crazy side effects and violent diarrhea is probably better than what I've had to deal with for 6 years. I'm sure the side effects will fade too.

In the mean time, I'll just take this in stride.
                    "BE RIGHT OUT!"

*Also, about 6 weeks since I quit smoking. Still rocking it.*

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